Kenya Coast Congress Postponement
Dear Skålleagues
The Executive Committee, in conjunction with the Chairman of the Kenya Local Organising Committee (LOC), has made the decision to postpone the 2015 Kenya Congress and select a new venue and date for 2015.
The decision has not been taken lightly and is as a result of feedback from the membership, the outcome of the survey/election sent out to all Skål Club Presidents & Councillors and discussions with the Chair of the LOC.
As a consequence of this feedback it is evident that to hold a congress in Mombasa at this time will not achieve the desired result of at least 800 Skålleagues meeting, debating and enjoying the sight and sounds that only the Kenya Coast can provide. The prevailing opinion is we will not reach a quorum of clubs.
Given the continued insistence of governments to place travel advisories to specific areas of Kenya where the Congress was to be held the Executive Committee and Chair of the LOC have agreed to postpone the congress and that Kenya will relook at holding a congress in 2018. The Executive Committee has agreed that Kenya will be an automatic finalist at the 2016 Congress for selection of the 2018 venue along with two other destinations selected by the Internationals Council from those presented in accordance with the Statutes and By-Laws.
The new venue for the 2015 World Congress will be the Costa del Sol in Southern Spain. The exact area of the Costa del Sol and the Congress dates will be announced by the end of May and a full congress package will be available for members by 20 June 2015.
In the meantime all those who have registered and/or paid a Congress Package deposit for the 2015 Mombasa event will be contacted by the Secretariat to arrange cancellation of the registration and if a deposit has been paid for a congress package, a full refund of monies paid.
Skålleagues, the Executive Committee has made this decision as a result of feedback from you and the clubs and as guardians of these decisions has acted accordingly.
On behalf of the Executive Committee and the membership I would like to extend my deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the Local Organising Committee and Skålleagues in Kenya (Nairobi and Kenya Coast Clubs) for their tireless work over the past three years and more importantly for their compassion and understanding in the decision to postpone the 2015 event. I urge the wider membership to remember their actions and to support their bid for the 2018 Congress.
Finally, I would like to add the comments of my good friend Tony Clegg-Butt, President 2002 and Chairman of the Kenya LOC:
“We are exceptionally disappointed that this years World Congress on the Beach has been postponed to 2018. Greater forces, totally beyond our control led to this decision being taken in concert with the Executive Committee of Skål International.
My Committee and I have worked tirelessly over the past four years to bring the World Congress to Kenya. We so much wanted to showcase Magical Kenya to you all. Put simply, you’ll all have to wait another three years, because my friends you WILL be coming to Kenya in 2018, that I am very sure of.
In closing, I’d like to thank all of our Skål friends around the world who have supported our bid over the years and who have more recently sent messages of support to us. This is so appreciated.
Finally I would like to thank all the members of my Local Organising Committee here in Kenya who have worked so hard and shown true dedication over the past three-years. The work starts now for our bid for 2018, we will prevail.”
Warm regards & Skål!
Skål International
“a Trusted Voice in Travel and Tourism”
V. Salih ÇENE
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