Torremolinos is situated in the heart of the Costa del Sol and is a mix of the charm of a typical, Andalusian, fishing village and the cosmopolitism of a modern city.
Torremolinos is known, fundamentally for its beaches, almost 7 kms of seafront, where the mild, sub-tropical climate allows visitors to enjoy them almost all-year round. The attractive combination of sun and beach is completed by a range of pastimes, which are a reference for international tourism, in addition to being one of the most emblematic destinations on the Costa del Sol. In the second decade of the 21st Century, Torremolinos is striving to become a centre for tourism quality and excellence.
The strategic location of Torremolinos has seen it become a settlement for mercants such as the Phoenicians and the Greeks. As with the other towns in the province it has had an important Roman and Moorish presence. All these peoples found everything here that they needed: refuge, water, fishing, hunting and a good climate.
Torre de los Molinos – Tower of the Mills
1300 Nazarite mills and a Christian watchtower gave their name to the city which was originally called Torre de los Molinos and later Torremolinos. Mesopotamian and Roman civilisations who set up their salting factories had already walked on the beaches. Torremolinos was intrinsically and historically linked to the capital of the province as a district until it became independent in 1988.
San Miguel Street is not just another pedestrian street, it is nurtured by the perplexity of its foreign tourists, the smile of the Spanish and the indulgence of the locals. San Miguel Street is bustling and boisterous, a permanent coming and going of people, the curious, native and adopted Torrremolinenses, shoppers, shops … jewellers, shoes, clothes, leather, perfume, gift and souvenir shops, restaurants, tobacconists, currency exchanges, ice cream parlours and shops selling alcohol.
There is nothing more satisfying than taking a breather in one of the largest squares on the Costa del Sol in the shade of one of its leafy trees. In Europe Square there is a monument to Europe with the coats of arms of the countries that are members of the European Union.
Mythology states that Zeus, god of Olympus fell in love with Europe, the daughter of Agenor, the King of Tyre and Telephassa. Zeus fearing that he would be rejected by Europe transformed himself into a majestic white bull. Whilst others played with Europe when they saw the bull they ran off, but she was not frightened; she was fascinated with the dovelike movements of Zeus and even sat on his back. It was then that Zeus got up and entered the sea and started to swim not taking any notice of Europe’s appeals until he reached Crete where Zeus made known his true identity and seduced Europe. When Europe passed away she received divine honours and gave her name to the old continente whilst Zeus was transformed into a constellation formed by one of the signs of the Zodiac.
St. Michael’s chapel, the Pimental Tower and the path to the Paseo Maritimo
At the end of San Miguel Street there is a square of the same name with a modern, recently-constructed church. The chapel has two spires, the entrance is presided over by St. Michael with a fierce sword in his hand. The white-walled church has a high altar with moldings on the walls.
From San Miguel Street we continue towards the “Bajondillo” neighbourhood where we pass by the Pimental Tower. This Tower was constructed in 1300 to serve as a bastion to ward off the hoards of corsaire pirates and Berbers. We continue on Cuesta del Tajo Street and Bajondillo Street until we reach Peligro Street, on the right. There are numerous shops selling handicrafts, gifts and souvenirs. At the end of Peligro Street, Torremolinos opens out onto the sea.
The smell of salt, the sea, of charcoal are all around. It is delightful to stroll along the seafront, to feel the soft breeze of the sea on one’s skin. On one side the sleepy tranquility of the beaches with fine, ochre-coloured sand and bustling shops on the other.
Continuing our walk we come across a strange construction known as the “Casa de los Navajas” (House of Knives) set against a small hill. It is built in the Neo-Mudéjar style and has been declared as being of historical interest. We then continue on to the “Monument to the Beaches” which was inaugurated in 2004 and is inspired by Picasso’s “Women running on the beach”.
The Paseo Maritimo and the Carihuela
The Paseo Maritimo in Torremolinos is long and wandering and is shaped around rocky promontories. We take a seat on one of the cast iron benches that are dotted along the seafront. The sea breeze, the aroma of sardines cooking over charcoal, the gentle murmur of the sea on the sand, the sound of bathers in the distance, the ring of a passing bicycle, two triangular sails in the distance, and the breeze.
Just around one of the promontories, the Carihuela appears, a neighbourhood with a flavour of fishermen which still preserves some of its charm enclosed in its narrow streets, adorned with colourful flower pots and borders. The boats sleep upturned, resting. Vive La Carihuela, a bustling traquility, which only comes alive when it is time to eat.
Parque de La Batería (The Battery Park)
Battery Park covers 74,000 m2 and contains a 9,000 m2 artificial lake. The trees offer great shade to the lawns. There are fountains with mythological motives here, notices indicating the names of the trees there. In the distance there is a white, spiral watchtower and modern cannons facing out to sea.
Molina de Inca Botanical Garden
This is an exceptional botanical garden with an original mill which was constructed in 1488 and is still working today. It was used to grind cereals. The garden is to be found in the Molina de Inca and has more than 500 species of trees. There is also a nursery where they can explain the origin and development of various species. Ornamental fountains. Four watchtowers. The artificial source of a river which empties out into the lake.
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